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Growth hacking (also known as ‘growth marketing’) is the use of resource-light and cost-effective digital marketing tactics to help grow and retain an active customer base, sell products and drive stronger results.

Whether it’s for your own business interests or those of your clients, growth hacking is about watching the trends and identifying the most valuable products and software tools to maximize your overall sales & marketing strategy. We do all the heavy lifting and curate the most innovative solutions for you.

Most digital products can be accessed immediately. For the SaaS tools, it will take 24-48 hours to set up your login credentials, which will be emailed to you.

Software as a Service (SaaS) allows users to access cloud based “productivity” applications over the
Internet. Common examples are email, calendaring, and office tools (such as Microsoft Office 365).
Typically, SaaS provides a complete software solution that you purchase on a pay-as-you-go basis from a
provider company. Our SaaS solutions also include one-time payment options for lifetime access.

Absolutely! We understand that not all businesses are alike and have different challenges and pain
points. We provide free consultation services to evaluate your individual business needs and can
develop a growth hacking strategy to help you achieve your goals. Schedule your free no-obligation phone consultation NOW

Growth hacking is of paramount importance; especially for start-ups. As you start out, it can help you immensely to avoid the mistakes that others have made, while also providing a roadmap of sales & marketing tactics to maximize your business success.

Our growth hacking tools provide compelling value by either replacing your current sales strategies or
complementing them. What we offer can add tremendous value for your own business or for the
business of the clients you serve.

Absolutely. Let’s say you run an agency business and use emails in your client prospecting efforts. Our
Video Email Marketing tool allows you to embed video clips in an email that will create more
engagement and increase your open rates; thus leading to higher conversions.

Absolutely! This is a very powerful tool to improve customer satisfaction and increase loyalty. Let’s say
your restaurant client wants to collect feedback about its service or perhaps the food quality. You can
create table signs with a QR code that when scanned with mobile devices, will open up the survey. The
table sign should include an inviting headline such as: “Take Our Survey and Win a FREE Dinner!” The
questions in the survey are customized (capturing the customers’ email addresses) and after the survey
is completed, the customer is then taken to a Thank You page, which can include a video, coupon, and/or
option to “Check in” on Facebook and much more. All survey results are the computer tallied and can be  shared: the restaurant client so decisions can be made to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
These types of surveys can also prove to be immensely effective in preventing negative online reviews.

It’s actually quite simple. You can leverage our growth hacking tools to bundle them as part of the
products and services you’re already selling to your prospects or existing clients. In this way, they feel
like they’re getting more value for the investment in your product or service and are more likely to buy
from you. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Mo’ money, mo’ money 🙂 This one’s easy. With many of our tools, you can “resell” as your own at any
price you choose, and keep 100% of the profits. You can also choose to bundle the tools with products
or services you’re already selling to prospects or existing clients as way to close the deal.

Frankly, it’s the best in the business and we’ll back that up with references from our clients.   We move at the speed of your business.  We pride ourselves in above and beyond customer service for all of our clients and offer best in class support via ticket system, chat and email. 

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